We kind of jumped the gun this week, and put up a few our Christmas decorations. One of which is this beautiful light wreath, illuminating the falling snow outside.
To accompany the snow, I’ve fixed myself a steaming cup of hot chocolate – to be enjoyed with my “healthy” dessert of chocolate chips and almonds…
As part of our festive day, we read a few of my absolute favourite snow picture books, and I thought I’d feature them here.
First of all, First Snow, by Bernette Ford. Anyone who knows me well knows that I happen to love rabbits. So, any picture book that features them gets an automatic second glance from me. However, First Snow, gets to stick around. It is such a lovely, magical tale of rabbits enjoying an evening venture through their first snowfall. Complete with owls, foxes and playing children, this sweet story is sure to warm your heart. And the illustrations are just delightful.
The second snow book we read today was, Toot & Puddle: Let it Snow, by Holly Hobbie. I love Toot & Puddle. I usually don’t put much stock in book series that are also TV shows, as so often they turn into money-making machines, full of sub-par writing. But, I have to say, Toot & Puddle always speak to me (at least the books do. I haven’t watched the TV show enough to know, although I’m sceptical). Holly Hobbie has a way of capturing those precious moments, as well as the thoughts and dreams and passions that are inside all of us. I always find myself wanting to be Toot and Puddle simultaneously. And there is often such sweetness and wisdom in the books.
Let it Snow is no exception. It chronicles the adventures of Toot & Puddle to make the perfect Christmas presents for each other. “The best present was usually something you made yourself, a one-of-a-kind thingamijig, not just a whatsit anyone could buy in a store.” But, of course, the most wonderful gift of all is precious time spent together – on the eve of the first snow, naturally. Treat yourself to Toot and Puddle for your first snow.
And now, I think I’ll settle into my window, under said wreath, with a glorious book and savour the moment. Happy first snow!
We are linking up with The Momma Knows for the ABC’s of Homeschooling. Enjoy!

Oh, I’m so jealous!! As I just said on another blog post linked up to the ABC’s of Homeschooling.. I don’t think I’d like to live with LOTS of snow… but living in Texas, snow is something of an exciting and wondrous event. We usually do get snowfall a few times a year. Every few years one of those will be enough to make a snowman (even if it requires all the snow in the yard.) Two Christmases ago we had a white Christmas — and I was out of town. It snowed again for a few days later and we had almost 6 inches of snow for 3 or 4 days straight. It was so much fun. I don’t think we got much at all last winter, so maybe we’re due for another good snow. 😉
There is something to having snow just once in awhile. Where we are, we get a few big snowfalls each year, but not consistent snow all winter. Which makes it really magical when it does happen. Fun, we just made a snowman with all the snow from our yard this time, too!
Oooooh! I love the first snow and hot chocolate combination! We’ve had our first snow already, too.
It’s pretty amazing, isn’t it? It was even more amazing to see the excitement in my son’s face the next morning, and to hear my 18 month old daughter excitedly squealing “No! No!” at the window. Gotta love the silent “S.”